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Nyakabungo Girls Secondary School

Fine Arts Department


In 2020 .... Fine Arts has always been a popular subject at the school and the teacher, Edison, is very keen. However the department is severely limited, due to lack of materials. As always there is a financial constraint which means that there are not enough paints, paint brushes, shading pencils, paper and felt tip pens. 


The skill and ability is evident from displays on the wall of past exhibits - in papier mache and clay - and there is also an old weaving loom that has seen better days.


New tables and stools would complete the whole department, along with the art books for reference, making it a pleasant and inspiring place to encourage young artists.


We have now set up a fundraiser to try to raise the £1300 needed to complete this project. Hopefully this will be achieved before schools return properly in February 2021.













2024 .... We completed this challenge and now support the school giving materials as needed.










If you feel able to help then please do get in touch - either with Pippa Hutchins, who is leading this project at​.




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The Mary Wood Trust UK Charity Number 1144311



Donate here using this QR code. Thank you

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