How can you help?
There are different ways that you can support the work that we do.
Nyakabungo Girls Secondary School
It costs £240 a year to support a girl at NGSS - or just £20 per month.
Hopefully she will be there from Senior 1 to Senior 6. At present we support 41 girls. We are looking for more sponsors who would like a personal involvement with an individual student. Can you help?
Samaritan Fund
We now have a special fund to help those girls who cannot afford all the necessities they need at the start of each term. If you would like to contribute towards this then please let us know.
Mosquito nets
We have promised to provide mosquito nets for all the girls at the school, on an ongoing basis.There is a new intake each year at S1 and S4. The nets cost £4.50 each. We need approximately 100 nets for the start of each new school year in Feb.
Can you help us to fulfil this commitment?
Sanitary Towels
We have begun providing all the school girls with a supply of sanitary pads which makes life much more acceptable for them living in such a remote but close community. These cost approximately £10 per girl per year. If you would like to support this venture, please click this link
University and Further Education support
A number of our MWT girls who successfully complete A levels at NGSS would like to go on to study further at University. However this is way beyond any funding that they themselves can provide, costing between £1250- £1500 per year, for 2 or 3 years, depending on the type of course taken and the University they might attend. We have set up a University Scholarship Fund which we hope will help support some girls who meet the right criteria.
If you would like to support a girl through University or contribute towards the fund then please do get in touch.
Not all girls reach the academic standard required to go to University. However there is a great need to encourage those young people to pursue a vocational training of some kind. This again costs money. Can you help?
If you feel you can help or would like to know more then please do get in touch by contact us at