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Have you thought of doing some fundraising for the Mary Wood Trust?

If so do get in touch with your ideas.


Recently Sophie, aged 7, one of Mary Wood's Great Grandchildren, expressed interest in trying to raise a small amount of money to try to buy a solar light. 


So she decided to make small origami creations and coloured stickers to sell at school.

Here she is at her stall at school.  She has raised an amazing £60.61 as a result, which will go towards providing some solar lights for the school. Well done Sophie














Inspired?  Do get in touch....


Some other examples of what has been going on.....



A Fun Run in aid of Sports Equipment for Nyakabungo Girls Secondary School.

Esther Wood along with some of her friends at Colchester University, did a fun run on 2nd July 2017. Together they raised £340 towards sports equipment for the school. Along with another £846, raised by Peter Wood via an email appeal, we were able to send £948 the school to enable them to purchase new equipment. We have a small balance for further requests.

The Cliff Smith Memorial Charity Day held on July 3 2016 was a great success, raising over £2000. This was used to set up a sewing room at NGSS, which will help the girls acquire some practical skills.
Thank you to all who were involved in this special day.

A number of talks, presentations and coffee mornings happen each year by the trustees, sharing information about the work of The Mary Wood Trust. If this is something that your community might be interested in then please let us know.


Keeping up with the latest technology, some trustees are now selling items on E bay,     






donating all the proceeds to The Mary Wood Trust.

We have also been blessed by one church having small change pots that people can use to fundraise for the Trust.



If you have items you would like to donate, such as good quality clothes, shoes, bric-a-brac etc or indeed if you would like to sell your items on Ebay, for the benefit of the MWT, then please do get in touch.


We would welcome any further ideas that you might have, either to promote the work that we do or to raise money.

You can donate for free by using                    as your search engine


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The Mary Wood Trust UK Charity Number 1144311



Donate here using this QR code. Thank you

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